Atlantic City- The Miss America Committee has been making some new changes to how they are viewed, as well as challenge other traditional values that the committee wants to see changed.

Last year, the Miss America wanted to go in another direction with showcasing more intelligence and classy than just showing the bodies of women. The committee decided to cut the swimsuit addition out of the pageant and a lot of people did not like the idea.

Last year the ratings decreased 36% and had an averaged of 1.1 ratings with only 5.4M total views.

Yesterday, MAO announced a new scholarship and included a quote from the donor’s parents that has offended members of the Miss America community.

“It is by no means the opinion of the MAO, its leadership, nor of the donor of the Equity and Justice Scholarship that educated women should not wear swimsuits, onstage or otherwise,” said a Miss America representative. “We sincerely apologize to our dedicated participants, volunteers, and fans. We genuinely hope our misstep does not detract from the intent of this valuable new scholarship or the openness and inclusivity of the Miss America Organization’s vision.”

With the new direction, it would be interesting to see if Miss America could keep its fans happy while changing the social norm of pageants.

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