Our Fuzionista this week is the most fabulous Chastity G. Valentine, a 30 something year old plus size blogger from Georgia currently living in California and is obsessed with fashion. Chastity has been seen in many outlets such as Oprah.com, The New York Times, and Marie Claire. Formally The Curvy Girl’s Guide to Style, Chastity started GarnerStyle to coincide with her image consulting business just so she could offer complimentary inspiration and advice to plus size women wanting to achieve style.

Chastity has chronicled her life, the clothes, travels, her marriage, moving to a new city and many other adventures through her blog, with many more to come. Her personal style is classic with a twist. From time to time Chastity can get a little crazy as she is not afraid to step outside of her own comfort zone. That is something she hopes to convey to her readers. “Be fearless. You only live once, why not look fabulous while doing it. If nothing else, don’t let size dictate your style.” Her most recent book The Curvy Girl’s Guide to Style can be found at Barnes & Noble, Amazon UK, Kindle UK, Kindle and Amazon. Chastity has recently became the Style ambassador for Torrid! Check out her website http://www.garnerstyle.blogspot.com where you can find tips on how to style.

5 must-haves for my purse
1. Cuticle Oil
2. Dental Floss – Flossing relaxes me. LOL
3. My Carrie Tom Ford Shades
4. The finger nail polish that I’m currently wearing – Chipped nails irks me.
5. MAC’s Girl About Town Lipstick (in case I need to get fancy in a hurry)