Written by: Jaleesa Jaikaran

In a world where everyone seems to be perpetually busy, how do we get gorgeous in a flash? These quick tips will help you maintain your look when you’re pressed for time.

Start Right– Hydrating in the morning could make or break your look throughout the day. Whether you’re wearing foundation or not, have oily or dry skin – always use a moisturizer. This would keep the skin looking more natural and hydrated throughout the day.

Pencil it On – It would be great if we always had 30 minutes in the morning to do our makeup. If you’re all about speed, try using a chunky pencil or an eye khol that can be easily smudged out to create a sultry yet oh-so-easy look that defines the eye and emphasizes eye color.

Pack Light – You do not want to be a bag lady, in the words of Erykah Badu – Pack Light! When you’re on the go, carry products that can do more than one job. Try a lipstick and lip gloss combination or a tinted lip balm.

Avoid Liquids – Make life easy by using cream or powders. Liquids can tend to spill and become very messy. Try using a liquid concealer in a tube or a pump that can be used for touch ups.

Leave the brush kit at home – When taking brushes along with you, travel size is ideal. However, don’t be discouraged if you don’t own any. Take along a brush you can use for more than one thing.

Wipe it Off – What’s the ideal product in your makeup bag? Wipes. Not only can you use it for removing makeup but also use it for fixing your hair, applying sunscreen, cleaning up spills and saving the world.

Good luck out there!



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