Being a girl who has always went against the grain since in her elementary classroom where her Mom had countless meetings with her teacher because she questioned everything that she did not understand; I know a few things about not following tradition. It is obvious that originality does not have guidelines but when can it cross the line?

Nowadays weddings are not in churches, the broom is skipped over rather than actually being there for jumping, and sometimes the bride isn’t wearing white but there is one thing that I agree should stay the same. NEVER WEAR WHITE to a wedding if you aren’t the one wearing the veil. Wearing white could make her white dress not seem as special, and that would be a horrible thing to cause.

Besides, since this is not your wedding your options are endless! If you still want to feel special but tasteful and stylish try wearing brighter solid colors. A bright red fifties inspired dress would be a cool touch in wedding photos. Just be careful when wearing the bright colors. To avoid going overboard keep it simple. No patterns, the color can make a statement on its lonesome. Another cool twist would be to wear black. I know weddings usually feature soft colors but black can be very classy and talk worthy when done right. You may not be able to wear white but wearing black in a room full of peaches and pinks you will definitely speak fashion.
Bending tradition can be tricky but when it is done with class and fashion it just might work.