Oscar de la Renta is one name that is listed under risk takers nowadays. With social networking, online jobs, schooling and online shopping growing in popularity fashion designers are trying new and interesting ways to engage consumers online. They are definitely taking risks but being prominent in the fashion world is full of risks already.

Within 24 hours of Oscar de la Renta’s resort fashion show on May 21 over 500 people had clicked on a photo of his look No. 42 on TheFancy.com, a green and white sequined silk shirt that resembled the classic baseball t-shirt. Not only were they able to click on it and view it but five of those intrigued consumers were able to and did purchase the revamped tee for $2,490. Those five sells may not have made a dent in the la Renta’s fortune but allowing something to be accessible the same day it came down the runway might bring a lot of fortune down the road.

Another honorable mention risk taker includes Nordstrom who has committed to investing 140 million dollars this year in updating their online presence in hope of giving their customers quality service identical to the service that they receive in the actual store.

Staying relevant in the fashion industry is a constant job in itself. I think taking these fearless steps will very beneficial down the line. What are your thoughts?