Let’s just say this….sometimes ladies just have too much confidence in what they have in the closet. You add in a generous helping of overconfidence, and the result…is a fashion offender. Futhermore, it can be easily prevented with some simple common sense. I.E….Looking into a mirror.
Consider the exhibits below.

Sometimes the simplest of things can make or break a picture. In this case, a zipper. Not only is it down, you point at it somewhat to draw more attention?
Offense: Zipper Neglect
Sentence: 5 Years.
It was all good until you put on a shirt that’s just wayyy too small for you. You should know better!
Offense: Tiny Shirt
Sentence: 1-3 Years.
Pink Stripes…okay. Dying your hair to match? Not so much.
Offense(s): Color Overload/(Bad)Nikki Minaj Impersonation
Sentence: 10 Years.
There is no reason to leave your house in just your underwear as shorts. Common Sense….
Offense(s): Underwear Showing, INDECENT EXPOSURE, Tiny Shirt
Sentence: 20 to Life
The confidence is applauded. The look…is not.
Offense: Tights as Pants, Colorblindness
Sentence: 10 Years
….You have got to be kidding me.
Offense: Pumps and Socks
Sentence: 5 Years
I can’t tell if the dress is too short or too small, but whatever the case, fire your tailor and stylist. It would be a favor to the world.
Offense(s): Small Dress, Sloppy Execution
Sentence: 15 Years
I highly doubt this is a Christmas present.
Offense: Boob Bowtie
Sentence: 10 Years
So many problems. A. Its a pink cow outfit. B. ITS A PINK COW OUTFIT. C. She looks like a pink Chik-A-Fila spokesperson. D. ITS A PINK COW OUTFIT!
Offense(s): Color Overload, Print Overload, Tiny Outfit
Sentence: 20 to Life
Offense(s): Colorblindness, Color Overload (????)
Sentence: 20 to Life
At the same time….too much of anything is never good.
Offense(s): Print Overload
Sentence: 20 to Life
That’s all the evidence that I am presenting today.
Remember, all suspects are innocent until proven guilty in the court of fashion law.