While reading through Jeantrix’ Facebook I fell more in love with this artistic duo while learning what set them apart from other clothing designers.


Jeantrix Clothing Co. was started in 2003 by two young men by the names of Nyce and Homm with just a pair of sneakers to start (driven right?). Jeantrix is known for their “over the top” designs worn by other artists who also push the fashion envelope such as Teyana Taylor.

Homm and Nyce (Jeantrix Clothing Co. Designers)


While browsing their Facebook I came across a statement from them that helped me to see what made them so special beyond their designs.

The best thing about owning a business is being able to share the knowledge with others with the same passion.” ~Jeantrix

Coming from cities in which violence is sadly still making its mark (Chester and Philadelphia, Pa), it touched my heart and opened my eyes to theirs to know that they wanted to be above the influence or “over the top”  to give love instead of pain to the community.


Jeantrix definitely lives up to that quote. A recent collection of theirs is titled ‘Pop-Art Of War’ ( a collection to promote religious tolerance and world peace) and this is what that they had to say about it.

” We felt that Pop-Art of War was necessary because of the times we live in. We don’t like to watch the news but there is a lot of hatred in the world which needs to be addressed and ended immediately! Violence begets violence, so the only answer to the problems of the world is PEACE!

Jeantrix Clothing Co. 'Pop of War' Collection 2012

I can go on and on about these talented soon to be fashion stars but I will let you take a read of the rest of our Q&A’s and I’m sure you’ll come out feeling the same way I did, that these young guys are ‘over the top‘ not just because of their art but because of their hearts and their vision to go along with it.


Fuzion: Has your hometown influenced you in your life or in your company? If so how?

Jeantrix: Our hometowns of Philadelphia and Chester, PA have definitely influenced us. In these cities a lot of the people aren’t very daring and there isn’t really much variation when it comes to fashion. In 2003 we began making our own clothing because we didn’t see many clothing in local stores that fit how we felt inside. So I guess if it wasn’t for the “lack of clothing” we wouldn’t have been pushed to fill that void

Fuzion:  I have recently heard about your visit to the Art Institute to speak to students, do you have any other future plans that involve the youth or helping others?

Jeantrix: Every month we try to help anyone who is in need of it, some of it may be published and some may be left private or unannounced. We are actually in the process of setting up a few seminars in different areas across the country (starting with our hometowns) to help people that are struggling with success in the industry. We also plan on doing lectures in a few local high schools to help the youth stay focused and overcome their circumstances. Jeantrix loves the kids! lol

Fuzion: In your opinion what important steps have you taken that has landed you guys where you are today?

Jeantrix: The most important step we took is actually just following our passion and doing what we loved! We both had ulterior careers in mind but luckily God had other plans for us and he stepped in and showed us what we needed to be doing. A lot of people don’t follow their dreams because they are too afraid of failing or not making enough money. If you follow your passion you can NEVER fail and money will come to you.

Fuzion: Did a particular event or events inspire ‘Pop of War’ ?

Jeantrix: The main events that inspired that particular show was the tragic events of 9/11. Last September marked the 10 year anniversary of the towers collapsing and things in the world haven’t really gotten better since 2001, so it was perfect timing to address this and add a funky Jeantrix twist to it! (Our show was actually 2 miles away from where the towers collapsed).

Fuzion: What do you think were you guys turning point or breakthrough in your career?

Jeantrix: Our first turning point was when we were actually discovered at the first fashion show we ever did in 2006. Ever since then we look at every bit of success we have as kind of a turning/breakthrough point for us. We look at success as a journey not really a destination so we are always humbled and never start slacking thinking we “made it”.

Fuzion: What is your favorite thing about being a part of Jeantrix Clothing Co.?

Jeantrix: Wow, lol where do we start?? We love the fact that we an create pieces of art and express ourselves freely without judgement and with no limitations. We also love that everything that we do for or with the company always seems like fun. Its our passion so being able to wake up and do what you love is the best feeling in the world. It doesn’t really seem like we’re working at all!
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Fuzion: What is it about fashion that pulls you in and keeps you there?

Jeantrix: Besides it being our passion, the fact that you can create clothing that wasnt there before that people love! People will always have a need for fashion unless we all become nudists lol. As we move into the future fashion is going to change very drastically and we are very excited and anxious to see the road ahead!

Fuzion: When and how did you know that this is what you wanted to do in your life?

Jeantrix: We decided to start taking it seriously after we left college around ’05/’06. By that time we had already started the company, but we did it as a side job. We started working full time at other jobs to save up seed money for the company. More opportunities and orders for custom pieces kept coming our way, so we started thinking “ok maybe this is what we need to be doing!”. It felt natural, so we left our jobs and never looked back.

Fuzion: What can we look forward to from Jeantrix Clothing Co. in the future?

Jeantrix: Hmmmm….that info is top secret lol! What we CAN tell you is that in the upcoming year we have a t-shirt collection coming out along with  more ready-to-wear pieces that will be available on our site (www.jeantrix.com) which is being revamped as we speak. We will also be moving to either New York or Los Angeles (God Willing) and we have plans on working with a few television shows, movies, and celebrity stylists. Last but not least our next collection will be out of this world..STAY TUNED!!

Jeantrix Clothing Co. Designs

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